Painted Branches

I did this project a few months ago, but it still gives me so much joy when I look at it.  I was going for the look of the yarn wrapped branches, but it seemed like a lot of effort, and I have a real *sticky* relationship with glue guns. I can pretty much guarantee a burn or two. The only other glue I had lying around was Elmer's. So I decided to try the same idea with paint, and I LOVE the way it turned out!

painted branch

Finding a branch(es) for this project is a great reason to go on a nature hike too. Before painting,  I sanded the branch, lightly, so that I wouldn't break any of the pieces off. This was just to get any debris or loose bark off.  I gathered some acrylic paint in various colors and painted whatever color I fancied. I figured out quickly that it is more convenient to have multiple paint brushes, one for each color, so that I did not have to wash the paint brush each time I changed colors.

acrylic paints

I will share one little eco-friendly secret also- I used plastic grocery bags to secure the branch inside the vase. I stuffed them in around the branch until it was secure and stayed upright, and then added some rocks and shells over the rim of the vase so you wouldn't be able to tell. Hey-whatever works and requires the least amount of spending!

Switching spots-it adds so much fun to the room!


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