Spotlight on the Amazing Ginger Root

Since school has started, the short, walking petri dishes are spreading their germ concoctions all over town. Little man brought something home to me and it knocked me down hard. He got away with just a few sniffles, but I, on the other hand, got to experience the whole works! Runny nose like a faucet, sore throat, coughing, headache, achiness, alternating chills and sweats, etc. Ugh. 

Thank goodness I have a tried and true remedy in my back pocket for times like this, and it's name is ginger. This knobby little root is a powerhouse and has helped me through many a nasal situation. It doesn't necessarily make the illness go away (although I have read it can shorten the duration as it helps support the immune system), but it definitely does make it more manageable. It is especially helpful for a sore throat and a stuffy nose, those kind that make it impossible to sleep. I don't know about you, but I cannot sleep with my mouth open. Maybe it's the fear of a bug flying in or the dry throat that accompanies it, but I refuse to deal with that nonsense.

 ginger home remedy colds congestion

So, ginger to the rescue. I prefer to use the whole root, as I think it's more effective, but powdered ginger can be beneficial as well. The way I use it is to slice off about a one inch piece, peel it and cut it into smaller pieces. Pour boiling water over and let steep until you are ready to drink. If you wish, sweeten with honey to taste. You can also combine with herbs such as oregano, rosemary, or thyme, which have their own beneficial properties for illness, but ginger alone is observably helpful. I don't strain out the ginger. I drink the tea, then chew on the pieces left in the bottom. I'm not going to lie, it is spicy. You can always coat the pieces of ginger with honey to help them go down. I think I am used to the spice, because it doesn't really bother me much. But it works wonders. Usually in about half and hour, my stuffiness has completely cleared. I will save a few pieces in the bottom of the mug and and keep it by my bedside. If I wake up in the middle of the night with more stuffiness, I chew on another piece or two, and I'm in the clear again.

You can even chew on raw ginger if you don't have time to make tea, but I do find it is spicier that way. Chewing on it is also quite effective for coughing and for numbing throat pain, as it has pain relieving properties. Also, just a quick mention, the illness only lasted for two days, with the second day being much better. I can't prove ginger was the reason, but I was popping those spicy morsels like candy.

Ginger is also a well-known remedy for nausea and motion sickness. And I can personally attest to it's use for vertigo. I had an episode of that awfulness a while back and the ginger kicked it in its butt when nothing else helped. I've also read it is good for arthritis because of it's anti-inflammatory/pain relieving properties. It is truly an amazing little root!

Other bits of good this week:

Wild muscadine grapes from our yard-they are a little too tart for my taste, but the little man likes them.  (I think for him it's more about the fun of picking something out of the yard and eating it).  I think they are really gorgeous with their deep purple/wine colored hues.

muscadine grapes wine

It's the start of a new dance season. I'm excited to hear my favorite little tapping feet again! 

tap dancer feet kids

A sweetly adorned fence:

pretty flowers white fence

pretty flowers fence summer

And here's to good health for the rest of the year!

mug tea cat


Mama Sarah said…
I totally read this entire thing with your voice in my head lol. LOVE!!!
Unknown said…
Haha-well at least you know it's me and not an imposter!
Mom said…
I tried to leave a comment a little while ago but it sent me on a huge merry-go-round with changing passwords and having to prove three different times that I'm not a robot, and having to choose an identity all over again and receive verification codes on my phone and in my yahoo email - and after all that, my comment did not even post. Arrrggghhhh. Maybe I need to make myself some ginger tea! Anyway, lovely post, as always, and practical, too! That fence looks like it came out of a fairy tale!
Unknown said…
Gosh, I'm sorry! This thing is really finicky sometimes! I wish I had advice, but I've had my own set of problems. Thanks for going through all the trouble! Go make yourself some tea. :)

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