Restore Your Soul

It's been a rough week at work. There are changes happening that are overwhelming and chaotic. I love my job, but it requires quite a bit of creativity. That is a good thing for the most part, but not always. It is hard to feel inspired when you are feeling burdened. Sometimes the creative pool just runs dry. And sometimes you just need a break to cleanse and rejuvenate so that you can be the best version of yourself on the job and at home.

So the positive part of my week was that yesterday I got to take a much needed, restorative day off. There is a bike trail that starts right at my son's school, so I dropped him off and took advantage of the opportunity to get out in nature in the morning time, which is so, so sweet. I don't get to do this often, because no matter how much I enjoy mornings out, I am a night owl and a late sleeper. My bed is just too cozy on weekends to get up.

I spent the morning riding my bike and picking wildflowers and colorful fall leaves along the way. Meaningful time in nature always gives me peace and has a way of lifting those heavy weights right off my back. It also gave me some inspiration that had been seriously lacking. Getting to be creative on my own terms and in my own time is a beautiful thing. Here's my version of that peaceful bliss using the flowers and leaves I picked:

I had to hold the flowers awkwardly as I rode, but it was worth it to see the bouquet get bigger and more colorful as the ride went on.

I finally decided to try to fit them into my bike's fanny pack, so I could use my brakes properly. (Yep, my bike is so cool, she has a fanny pack.)

My challenge to you is to try to get outside one morning this weekend. Enjoy the soft glow of the rising sun and listen to the birds' songs. Nature has amazing power to cleanse and restore your soul. Try it for yourself and see. You won't be disappointed.

P.S. I am going to make a few changes so that I can write somewhat more streamlined posts. Instead of posting every single photo on the blog, I will post the daily photos on my instagram account as 'one_beautifulthing'. A link to my instagram account can be found on the sidebar of the blog.

I will continue to write posts for the blog, but it may be less frequent and hopefully less scatterbrained! This is a work in progress, so I appreciate you all for sticking with me! xoxo


Unknown said…
You are such a gifted writer! This is beautiful
Unknown said…
Thank you Laura! That means so much to me that you would say that!

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